





Non-Fungible token(NFT) is a brand new type of digital good. They are unique, provable scarce, tradeable and useable across multiple platforms. Just like physical goods you can do what ever you want with them. Swapz is more than a marketplace but a community that allows users trade their items freely, creators to launch new digital works, and also swap non-fungible tokens.

Non-Fungible token(NFT) is a brand new type of digital good. They are unique, provable scarce, tradeable and useable across multiple platforms. Just like physical goods you can do what ever you want with them. Swapz is more than a marketplace but a community that allows users trade their items freely, creators to launch new digital works, and also swap non-fungible tokens.

Mobile App

Mobile App

Web 3

Web 3



UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design


Owners of NFTs complained that they have assets just lying in their wallets and want to swap them for various reasons without the stress of selling off and buying the other NFT they want. These users need detailed information of tokens available for swap and full assurance of security.

Owners of NFTs complained that they have assets just lying in their wallets and want to swap them for various reasons without the stress of selling off and buying the other NFT they want. These users need detailed information of tokens available for swap and full assurance of security.


Swapz is a mobile application designed to give both new and existing users easy onboarding experience.

  • It allows users explore NFTs available, make bids and swap NFTs

  • It provides maximum security for users assets using the peer-to-peer payment methods as used by Binance

Research objectives

  • To have an in-depth understanding of existing NFT market places.

  • Understand the process of acquiring an NFT

  • Popular challenges faced by NFt holders

  • Find out how users handle their NFTs

  • What challenges users face when they want to acquire a new NFT

  • How users feel about swapping NFTs


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Read more case studies

  • Divine Samuel

  • Divine Samuel